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Briefing Notes
Briefing Note 95 - What difference does a year make?
This is the final Briefing Note from the PPI stream of the WHeRL project. The Briefing Note focuses on the impact of extending the working lives on income in retirement on two groups:
- Women who take a career break; considering sensitivity to the timing and length of the period of their return to work following a career break
- Men and women who exit the labour market early; considering sensitivity to the timing of their exit from the labour market before State Pension age (SPa).
The Wellbeing, Health, Retirement and the Lifecourse project (WHeRL)
WHeRL is a research project investigating ageing, work and health across the lifecourse. This 3 year interdisciplinary consortium is funded by the cross-research council Lifelong Health and Wellbeing (LLHW) programme under the Extending Working Lives initiative. It examines a crucial question for ageing societies: how inequalities across the lifecourse relate to paid work in later life in the UK.
The project builds on an existing UK-Canadian collaboration examining lifecourse influences on later life work trajectories across several European countries and the US. In addition to those at the Institute of Gerontology at King’s College London, the consortium brings together a unique interdisciplinary team involving universities and partner organisations including the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto; Research Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, University College London; Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience also at King’s College London; Manchester University; Pensions Policy Institute; Age UK; and the Department for Work and Pensions.
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