
The PPI is an INDEPENDENT educational, not-for profit research institute. We undertake rigorous research from a neutral, long-term perspective
The Pensions Policy Institute (PPI), commissioned by Columbia Threadneedle Investments, is publishing the third edition of its annual DC compendium, “The Future Book”, setting out available data on the DC landscape alongside commentary, analysis and projections of future trends.
Given the potential risks involved for those retiring with DC savings, and the rapid expansion of the workplace DC market, it is important that a comprehensive compendium of DC statistics and data is available to allow observation of, and reaction to, developing trends.
Chapter one briefly describes the state and private pension system in the UK and outlines the main landscape changes over the past few years, focussing mainly on those affecting DC pensions.
Chapter two makes use of available data and PPI analysis to paint an overall picture of the current state of play within the DC market, both on an individual and aggregate level.
Chapter three uses PPI modelling to explore how the DC landscape might evolve in the future both for individuals and on an aggregate level.
Chapter four considers which default fund investment strategies might be the most appropriate for people depending on their income and attitudinal characteristics.
Chapter five contains reflections on the policy themes highlighted by the report from leading thinkers and commentators in the pensions world.
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