
The PPI is an INDEPENDENT educational, not-for profit research institute. We undertake rigorous research from a neutral, long-term perspective
The Pensions Policy Institute (PPI) is today publishing How will future pensioners use guaranteed income products? The report uses new PPI modelling to show how different retirement strategies can benefit people with varying and changing patterns of needs and wants throughout their retirement. While at-retirement behaviour varies between people, there are archetypes of retirement needs and desires, based on qualitative evidence of behaviour and attitudes, which can be used to help illustrate the best retirement income strategies.
This report has been kindly sponsored by B&CE, providers of The People’s Pension, Hymans Robertson, Retirement Line, Standard Life, part of Phoenix Group and State Street Global Advisors. Sponsorship has been given to help fund the research, and does not necessarily imply agreement with, or support for, the analysis or findings from the project.
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