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PPI Launch Event
29 NOV 2018
The Pensions Policy Institute (PPI) held a policy seminar on 29th November 2018 to launch What is CDC and how might it work in the UK?, sponsored by the Defined Contribution Investment Forum (DCIF) and the Royal Mail Group (RMG). What is CDC and how might it work in the UK? sets out the potential benefits and issues for the implementation of CDC in the UK.
Over 80 people representing a broad range of interests within Government, the investment industry, the pensions industry and the third sector attended the seminar.
John Stainsby, Head of UK Client Group, AXA IM, welcomed attendees on behalf of the hosts.
The Rt Hon. Lord David Willetts, PPI Governor and Executive Chair of the Resolution Foundation chaired the event. He described the current pension landscape where there is an imbalance of resources and risk between current DB and DC arrangements and the long-held aim to find an intermediate solution between DB & DC.
Lauren Wilkinson, PPI Policy Researcher, presented the findings of the research...
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